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Diamond in the Rough

This 22x20 (440 square foot) Fiberon Composite deck with custom triple border and Diamond inlay was built in the Tallyn Ridge development of Frederick, Maryland.
Deck features steel surface mount rail posts, custom 6x6 tan rail post sleeves, 12 inch tan pvc fascia, tan vinyl rails with black round aluminum balusters and a full width cocktail rail on top.
We extended the rail posts up to 8 feet tall for cafe lights and a possible future pergola feature.
Deck has a 4.5 foot wide set of steps.
Other features:
Fiberon Good Life Decking
Tuscan Villa Decking
Espresso Decking for the picture frame border
Cabana decking for the lighter accent color
Yellawood - yellawood extreme UC4B .23 CRITICALLY TREATED FRAMING.
LMT low voltage LED lights inlaid into the deck and the stair risers.
Camo edge clips for hidden fasteners
Fastenmaster Ledgerloks

"We would like to thank you for all you have done for us in the completion of this project. You are a true craftsman, and I know we will have a great time enjoying our new Deck this season and in years to come!" - The Bokinsky's (Emmitsburg, MD)